
Create Your Dreams

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Programs & Funds



CYD’s AfterSchool program provides a structured curriculum that complements and links to their Atlanta Public School curriculum, as well as providing a safe and nurturing environment that supports their social and emotional development. Through this curriculum, we promote creativity, leadership, and self-awareness in students, in addition to fostering good decision-making and the development of critical life skills. Curriculum includes:

  • Youth Power + Activism
  • Financial Literacy
  • Community Service
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Music + Culture
  • Personal Health + Wellness
  • ACT/SAT Prep


CYD’s Tutoring supports our high academic expectations by requiring tutoring for students who do not maintain a “B” average in any subject. We also encourage and provide optional tutoring for all CYD students. Our tutoring program improves students’ academic skills and grades and exposes them to positive role models through our trained volunteer tutors. We also provide Homework Hall for all high school students after school, which is a safe and welcoming environment for students to get help on their homework in a supportive space. Click here to sign up to be a volunteer tutor.

Extra Hours

CYD’s Extra Hours provides evening, weekend, and school break activities for students, including book club, Fun Friday, art club, fitness club, community service projects, and field trips. We believe it is vital for students to stay engaged and active when they are not in school, and CYD’s Extra Hours fills that gap. 

College Dreamers

Beginning in 9th grade, students focus on college-readiness activities, such as essay writing, application preparation, standardized testing, and career development. CYD assists with all the college application costs, including application fees, SAT/ACT fees, and transcript fees. Most CYD students are the first in their families to attend college. Our students look towards us to lead the way as they apply to college and create career goals. We provide the necessary adult mentors and curriculum they need to succeed through this process.

College Dreamers is vital to the success of students. Many CYD students do not have computers at home or access to a credit card or cash to send their transcripts. At times, our students also have to endure the emotional upset in their home when they prepare for college. Change is not always easy on a family as we continue to break through the barriers, emotional and financial when trying to create a better future for our students and their future families.

Summer Camp

Studies have shown when students return to school the fall, many of them – especially those from historically disadvantaged student groups – start the academic year academically further behind than where they were at the beginning of summer break. For six weeks during June and July, CYD provides academic summer camp focusing on Math, Reading and hands-on enrichment experiences. In addition to the academics, the last two hours of each day are spent swimming, hiking, visiting museums, roller skating, and more.


This program helps our young graduates transition into adulthood. Alumni programming provides services for students ages 18 and over and focuses on career development and readiness. This program also allows alumni to stay connected year-round through our annual events and offers multiple ways to give back to CYD. Two main ways alumni are encouraged to give back to CYD is through the CYD Alumni Giving Circle and volunteering with younger students. Last year, 80% of alumni gave of their time or treasures.


College & Career Success Fund

Assists with college and career expenses for our young adults. Last year $20,000 of financial assistance was awarded to CYD students seeking a college degree. Without our help, many of our students would not be able to attend college at all. This year we have assisted with tuition, meal plans, transportation, books, and dorm fees.

This fund includes individual meetings with alums, quarterly educational group sessions covering resume building, career exploration/development, and financial literacy. This fund also provides an opportunity for our alumni to give back through our Alumni Giving Circle. Last year, 80% of our alumni gave of their time and money.

CYD’s College & Career Success Fund Provides:

  • Mentorship peer and adult mentors
  • Holistic Services includes emotional, personal, and academic services
  • Robust Networks strong alumni and professional networks
  • Connect with On-Campus Resources therapeutic & educational support
  • Career Development resumes and internships
  • Year-round financial aid & FAFSA assistance
  • Dorm Supplies
  • Staying Connected care packages, personalized on-demand support

Family Emergency Needs Fund

Provides emergency financial assistance for housing, medical, clothing, academic needs, transportation, childcare, food, clothing, or toiletries. This fund allocates on an as needed basis: shoes to participate in track team, a violin to participate in orchestra, eyeglasses, winter clothes, dental care, school supplies, and other resources students need for success. CYD’s ability to offer this service increases the quality of life for students so that they can participate fully in school and have basic needs met. Currently, 80% of these services are provided through in-kind services and donations. Because poverty can impede cognitive function, inadequate resources can undermine successful employment, education, childcare and other facets of life.

This fund includes educational group sessions with parents and guardians, family check-ins, and opportunities for peer support and mentoring. We also provide advocacy and outreach on an as needed basis to assist families as they navigate LD academic services, DFACS, legal, and medical/mental health services.